Thursday, October 18, 2012

Phisical Features of the Western Cordillera

Physical features of the Western Cordillera is a fancy way of saying what the Western Cordillera looks like. Because it is the youngest landform region (erosion has not yet happened because of it being young), the Western Cordillera has many lakes, forests, oceans (obviouslly the Pacific Ocean) and some very big mountain ranges. Many  of the mountain ranges are popular, such as the Rocky Mountains. Below is a picture I took when I was flying over the Rockies. I was almost forty thousand feet in the air, and I could still see them clearly.

Another mountain is Mount Washington. It is very famous for snowboarding and it's original wildlife. There are cougars, bears, moose, deer, wolves, and much more.

The picture above is of Mount Washington. This is one of the more nature like sections of the mountain. Below is me in front an eight hundred year old tree. 
The Western Cordillera is nature, mainly mountains. This is because when the North American and Pacific Plates colided, they pushed upward, forming mountains.


  1. This has actually been sooo helpful for my project :0

  2. i like this information thank you very much!

  3. Holy F***. Thats both Amazing and Beautiful at the same time. That tree though holy crap ;)

  4. this has been so helpful for my projet mf

  5. This site helped so much. Thank u man...

  6. This site is amazing. With the little words and all fact it helps save so much time. Thx.
    JAKOB P.
